Pandemic is not a hindrance for children to learn. The school's learning modality is Modular Distance Learning. Teachers visit their pupils regularly to monitor their performances.
Teachers give answer sheets, activity sheets and summative tests to pupils. Parents go to school every Monday to get it to their teachers. Those who are struggling have ILMP (Individual Learning Monitoring Plan) and additional activity sheets to cater their weaknesses.
“The students of the future will demand the learning support that is appropriate for their situation or context; nothing more, nothing less.”-Marcus Specht
Schools have provided LD Mobilizers and para-teachers that help them in bringing the education at home. The Principal assigned them by barangays and went there together.
Active Learning Engagement
Each teachers have designated group chats wherein parents send their pictures and their children's' activities. Teachers give performance tasks and use rubrics as an evaluation tool.
Parents actively respond to their teachers' announcement by sending their queries and other concerns. Those who does not have Facebook Account were being reached via call and text messages.